Over the last 30 or
so years, here is a small sampling of the publicly visible products & projects
David has had his hands in. Details on any or all are available
on request. Click on one of the thumbnail photos for a larger
image. Not shown are any of the projects or clients where there
isn't really a "product" to see, like special software projects,
networks designed or fixed, and items that never had a picture

A snapshot of the traffic in
Oakland County, Michigan. Real-time map, traffic cameras, intersection
congestion info, expressway speeds, message signs, and weather can be
seen at http://www2.rcocweb.org.
This was a small part of the whole Michigan Department of Transportation
Intelligent Transportation Systems project David worked on for ~10 years
both while it was built and after for maintenance and enhancements.
One of the many towers with
microwave dishes covering 150 miles of roads for video and data and a
message sign. This project was a lab filled with communications
technologies, from OC-48 (2.4 Gb/s fiber ring surrounding the city) down
to 9600 baud serial and about 10 technologies in between.

All those cameras are brought
to a control room in downtown Detroit. This shows ~25 cameras and a few
other video feeds all at the same time. I deliberately underexposed the
room so the video monitors can be seen clearly when viewed full-screen.
The control room looked different when we first installed it as there
were 9 Electrosonic rear projection screens and a video processor
cutting up the video. But nobody wants to see old photos, do they?
Speeding up a database so operations that used to take hours now take 30
seconds. Some serious system & network debugging described here.

An automotive diagnostic
computer (MCA 3000 Modular Computer Analyzer) from Sun Electric. All the
wires hanging off the left side connect to various points on the engine,
another talks to the on board computer system, and a pipe sniffs the
exhaust. Various tests and measurements help isolate what the problem is
before the mechanic starts replacing parts. A DOS based PC inside
talking to custom hardware that implemented a digital oscilloscope,
various analog electrical measurements, gas analysis, and all kinds of
other cool stuff.

Another auto diagnostic
computer, the next generation model we were working on when Snap-On
Tools bought the company.

The Astro digital / analog
encrypted radio from Motorola, used by various police, fire, and other
domestic & foreign agencies that might require such types of
communications. Two processors, megabytes of flash and RAM, thus fully
programmable. It did just about everything; 800 MHz, UHF, VHF, Digital,
Analog, APCO-25, VSELP, Astro IMBE, Smartzone, Over-The-Air-Rekeying (OTAR)
for tweaking encryption keys, Hardware or Software crypto, trunking,
scanning, MODAT, ... You can read more technical stuff about the whole

Back in the early 80s working
as a software engineer (we were called programmers back in those days),
I had my hands in various products for a company called Micro Lab in
Highland Park, Illinois. These were some of the games and a damaged disk
file recovery utility program.
![The Data Factory for the Apple ][ II computer](Photos/TDFCover_small.jpg) 
I was the author of a
database system for the ill-fated Apple /// computer called Data
Manager ///. I was also on the team for a database system for the
Apple 2 called The Data Factory. Back then, these were considered
data base management products. Today, we would call them "Flat file
single table databases with indexing."
I wrote Data Manager ///
in the summer of 1982 between my freshman and sophomore years at

After discovering computers
in 7th grade (1976), I wanted a computer so badly it hurt! Having seen
the Popular Electronics article on the "1802 Cosmac Elf", I started
accumulating parts and wiring up bits of it. Bought the last of the
parts in high school (1978), it didn't work. Getting it working taught
me a lot about electrical engineering and how to use an oscilloscope.
Above are the front and rear views, all connected up with 3 layer
wire-wrap post sockets. In the top left are where I was adding 1K of
memory with 2102 chips, which I never finished as by then I was working
in a computer store and bought my Apple 2 computer.