I do want to apologize up front - this article will start simple but get be pretty geeky. As
in "If you own a propeller hat, please go get it and put it on your head
now." If you are experiencing this problem and feel what I've
described is beyond your abilities, I can assist remotely. Shoot me an
email and I'll setup a time to talk.
Problem statement:
The exact bounced email message I received reads like this
(sanitized to remove any personal information except for my
------ CY1NAM02FT030.mail.protection.outlook.com rejected your
message to the following e-mail addresses:
'Bryan... (bryan...@contoso.com)'
CY1NAM02FT030.mail.protection.outlook.com gave this error: Service
unavailable, Client host [] blocked using Spamhaus. To
request removal from this list see
http://www.spamhaus.org/lookup.lasso (AS16012611)
Your message wasn't delivered due to a permission or security issue.
It may have been rejected by a moderator, the address may only accept
e-mail from certain senders, or another restriction may be preventing
delivery. ------
The questions are: Why is this happening, what can be done
about it, and how can I prevent this from happening in the
Why is this happening?
The key to understanding is to read every word of the bounce
message. The good news is this message tells me that my mail
server which when I wrote this was at the IP address was blocked from sending mail due to its inclusion
on a blocklist run by the good folks over at spamhaus.org - a
block list I know well as I setup client systems to use it all
the time. There are many services out there that try to
eliminate spam from your inbox. Blocklists are setup to do this
by making lists of mail servers that for one reason or another
and by some rules setup by the blocklist provider they decide
who are the naughty servers and who are the nice servers. There
are MANY block list providers out there. Some like Spamcop rely
on users to submit spam to their servers and if enough perople
report the spam they will be listed. Some have known lists of
spammers that run their own mail servers to send out spam. Some
are proprietary and have some undisclosed method of deciding who
are naughty and who are nice.
If I setup your mail server, you are likley using at least 4
blocklists to reduce the amount of spam and malware that gets into your
mail server. Apparently Office365 or Microsoft365 or whatever they have
renamed their services to after I wrote this article follows the same rules I've been
following for years before AnyOfThose365s even existed!
Every blocklist is different, you have to ask the blocklist provider
why were you listed, and for this particular provider they give you a
way to look up your block via the web.
By going to that lookup URL and punching in my IP address, I was able
to see the reason I was blocked:
----- IP Address is listed in the CBL. It shows
signs of being infected with a spam sending trojan, malicious link or
some other form of botnet.
This IP is infected (or NATting for a computer that is infected) with
the Conficker botnet.
[--stuff deleted--]
Your IP was observed making connections to TCP/IP IP address (a conficker
sinkhole) with a
destination port 80, source port (for this detection) of 14792 at
exactly 2017-05-05 01:24:46 (UTC). All of our detection systems use NTP
for time synchronization, so the timestamp should be accurate within one
second. -----
So the answer to what happened: The folks that run the spamhaus
blocklist have setup a bunch of systems to detect if you have any
systems that are running the
conficker worm.
They did this by setting up some systems that if anyone connects to them
in a specific way - the way Conficker would connect to them - will list
them on their block list as infected with Conficker and thus shouldn't
be trusted.
And for some as yet unknown reason a computer that is somewhere in my
network touched that detector at the date / time listed above, and thus
my IP address was listed in their blocklist as infected and not to be
The problem for me and likely most people connecting to the internet
- my firewall uses
Network Address Translation (NAT) to allow most of my normal traffic
from many different computers to appear at the same public IP address. A
discussion of
goes way beyond this article - you can read more at the link provided.
From what Spamhaus gave me, I have when it happened and how it
happened but to identify who - which specific computer - is to blame I
have to turn to my own internal resources. Unfortunately, my firewall
logs information but it didn't go back far enough for me to determine
which system did it. And in reality it could have been a whole host of
different systems - I have 3 Linux based MythTV computers doing my DVR
functionality, network based TV tuners that feed information into the
MythTV DVR, we recently introduced some IoT (Internet Of Things) type
devices - light switches, wall sockets, dimmers, hub, etc. for home
automation and control, wireless access points, cell phones, our guests
have cell phones and we let them use our WiFi, I often have a client's
computer here undergoing surgery, a bunch of servers I keep for both
research and production, my own mail server, a network vulnerability
scanning virtual machine, an Owncloud virtual machine, a couple of
Amazon Echo and Echo Dots, two network printers, a NAS4FREE box with
gobs of storage inside, an Amazon Fire TV, couple of iPads, 3 or 4 Kindles, a
couple of Rokus, and of course my own personal systems - one desktop + 3
laptops for day-to-day operations. Oh and let us not forget some of the
laptops actually boot into multiple operating systems and those VMs have
various flavors of Linux, Solaris, Windows, CentOS, even one with Dos
6.22 & Windows for Workgroups 3.11!
In other words, a whole lot of possible things that could have
touched that sinkhole and caused my appearance on the blocklist. Okay,
probably not the Dos 6.22 or the Solaris boxes ... :)
Lately there have been a lot of bits of malware that have used the
various advertising networks to infect systems ... so it is even
possible that a stray banner ad somehow reached out to that sinkhole's
IP address at port 80 and caused a false positive. In fact, I do wonder
if I can
trigger a false positive with a one-line telnet command.
Maybe I have a system infected, maybe I don't. So I went through the
request for de-listing procedure they so nicely outline at their web
site and see if the problem ever comes back.
Two weeks later, another email bounced:
----- IP Address is listed in the CBL. It shows
signs of being infected with a spam sending trojan, malicious link or
some other form of botnet.
This IP is infected (or NATting for a computer that is infected) with
the Conficker botnet.
[--stuff deleted--]
Your IP was observed making connections to TCP/IP IP address (a conficker
sinkhole) with a
destination port 80, source port (for this detection) of 20643 at
exactly 2017-05-18 13:33:46 (UTC). All of our detection systems use NTP
for time synchronization, so the timestamp should be accurate within one
second. -----
I have a saying ... if something happens once, it is a one-off.
Twice? It is a coincidence. Three times? You have a pattern.
This was the 2nd time in two weeks. I got out my Jump to Conclusions
mat and didn't wait for a third time before declaring this as a pattern.
What can be done about it?
Umm... find and clean the infected system(s)? Duh! I made the
assumption that these are not false positives - that I really
did have some system out there that was infected, though nothing
gave me an indication that anything was wrong. Every system that
has any kind of anti-malware indicated it was clean.
If you read up on Conficker, there are some detection methods. I ran
through a bunch of them, but none showed me anything positive, though in
all honesty I couldn't run every method on every system. I really needed
a way to track which system was causing the listing before I could move
forward doing anything other than throwing darts at the wall and hoping
to hit the dartboard.
I had an idea - if I grabbed and saved every single packet as
it comes in or out of the LAN side of the firewall, I could easily find
the date / time of the conficker trigger and track back to which system
sent the packet that got my network listed as infected. Except that is a
whole lot of data - multi-gigabytes for watching a movie, every packet
sent off-site for backup, every email in and out, every image I post up
in my Flickr stream, all the Zoom meetings and remote control sessions, ... ugh. That would be a lot of data to sift
through ... but it would catch my problem.
More research lead me to the doorstep of the netflow based flow
analyzers. You can see / read about one
here. I even
setup a virtual machine to capture these flows in order to track the
problem down ... except my firewall only supported sending out netflow
packets if I spent another $800 or so on a license to enable it for a
limited period of time.
Which lead me down a path ... my firewall CAN report all kinds of
data, but can I put together a cheap (or free) solution that will gather
data in the background and if / when this happens next give me some
breadcrumbs that will lead me back to the offending system?
I found a solution that costs $0.00 in hardware and
Getting your geek on
This is going to get a bit technical. Actually more than a
bit - if you've got a propeller hat put it on now and please
keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times.
There has been a facility in the Unix world forever known as
Syslog. Syslog
servers receive messages from ... well ... anywhere. They can be
internal processes that want to log some message about something or
external devices that want to say something but don't have the ability
to display it as it doesn't have a display or who/whatever you might
need to send a message between two points. And my Sonicwall firewall
supports syslog:

Pictures are thumbnails - click for a larger and more readable
This is not the firewall I have anymore - when I got gigabit fiber I upgraded
to a TZ570 and his setting for the syslog server is here:

While I could run a syslog server on one of my Linux boxes, I opted to run it
instead using a free syslog server I'd used in the past called Kiwi on
one of my Windows servers with gobs of storage - you can find it
here. Once
installed, it was ready to receive syslog messages from anything on my
local network!
(maybe talk a bit more about netflows? Could be a shorther path for
most... then again most people's routers don't support netflows)
The sonicwall lets you pick what kinds of messages are sent to
different places - log files, email, etc. I tried a few rules
(unsuccessfully) before discovering the magic logging rule I had to
enable. Curiously, when I tried to send this to a log file that was
emailed to me it never worked, which is why I shifted gears to try doing
this with syslog instead, which is probalby a way better idea long term
as it turns out I'm logging a ton of data and that isn't what the email
system was designed for.

That path to the magic rule to enable is Network-->Network
Access-->Network Allowed
There is a rule I learned in one of my EE college classes -
understand and test the limits of your test equipment before relying on
them. The lesson applies in software and networks just as much as it
does in hardware. Before relying on this to capture the event that I
have to wait a few weeks before it recurs, I needed to test and validate
that it would catch the event if it happened again. If I don't, I risk
having to wait for another cycle to see if my test equipment is working
or not. To test, I sent a packet I knew I could find easily and looked
for it in my log file. I did a telnet to port 53 from one of my
MythTV boxes:

and then looked for that session in my syslog file:

The first line I ran before I did the test, the second was after I
tried to telnet to Apparently I fired off rule 98 when the
connection opened and 1235 when the packet was allowed through.
"Wow, David, that is great... but how many home users do you think
have a Sonicwall firewall at home?"
I'm glad you asked!
Most routers - home or office - do have some kind of syslog facility.
A few months ago I got AT&T 1 GB fiber installed here at my home /
office. It uses an AT&T BGW320-500 router. I'm only using it as a
network router in front of the Sonicwall but I looked for a few minutes
and found this:

Before this we had Comcast (AKA: Xfinity) and I vaguely remember
seeing a syslog in one of their screens. (Note to self: Next time I'm in
front of a Comcast router get into the admin interface and see if I can
find what screen it is at).
Worst case, download the manual for your router - should be a PDF
file - and search for the word 'syslog'
Now you don't need some fancy firewall to detect these kinds of
Anyway, back to trying to catch the problem child on the network ...
With this all in place, it is a matter of waiting to be listed again
or not. A quick track of how much space is being taken up by this log
per day to be sure I don't fill up the syslog server revealed a
non-trivial amount of data gathered every day:

Con permiso, Capitan. The hall is rented, the orchestra engaged. It's
now time to see if you can dance!
(time passes ... music plays ... insects are born and die ... hurry
up and wait!)
And it happened again! I mapped some of the relevant data in the same
colors between the message from the blocklist website and my logs so you
can easily see the correlation along with the
source IP address & MAC address in black bold italic.
It was June 1st 2017 when I received the semi-familiar information
when looking up my IP address in the CBL list:
----- IP Address is listed in the CBL. It shows
signs of being infected with a spam sending trojan, malicious link or
some other form of botnet.
This IP is infected (or NATting for a computer that is infected) with
the Conficker botnet.
[--stuff deleted--]
Your IP was observed making connections to TCP/IP IP address (a conficker sinkhole)
with a destination port 80, source port (for this detection) of 13388 at
exactly 2017-06-01 12:48:15 (UTC). All
of our detection systems use NTP for time synchronization, so the
timestamp should be accurate within one second. -----
Searching my syslog files, just showing the interesting things:
----- S:\temp>find "" syslogcatch*
SYSLOGCATCHALL-2017-06-01.TXT 2017-06-01 08:47:42 Local0.Debug id=firewall sn=0017C574D7BC time="2017-06-01
12:47:42 UTC" fw= pri=7 c=262144 m=98
msg="Connection Opened" n=5914974
src= dst=
proto=tcp/http sent=52
2017-06-01 08:47:42 Local0.Info id=firewall sn=0017C574D7BC time="2017-06-01 12:47:42 UTC"
fw= pri=6 c=0 m=1235 msg="Packetallowed by Access Rules"
app=9 n=81921876 src=
dst= srcMac=60:67:20:d8:5a:e8
dstMac=00:17:c5:74:d7:bc proto=tcp/http rule="7 (LAN->WAN)"
2017-06-01 08:47:44 Local0.Debug id=firewall
sn=0017C574D7BC time="2017-06-01 12:47:44 UTC" fw= pri=7
c=1024 m=537 msg="Connection Closed" app=9 n=109629914
src= dst=
srcMac=60:67:20:d8:5a:e8 dstMac=00:22:2d:67:5f:36 proto=tcp/http
sent=388 rcvd=489 spkt=5 rpkt=6 cdur=2550 -----
The black highlighted text shows the IP address
and the MAC address of the offending device!
Now I have isolated the problem to one specific computer and can
drill into it in more detail.
Things I thought I should look into at the time:
(curious note to self - does Sonicwall randomize the outbound IP port
on the WAN side vs. the outbound port on the LAN/DMZ side? It sure looks
like it does ... need to test this with the sniffer on both sides to
confirm... This makes the port number way less useful. Would this show
both port numbers if it was collected by a netflow? Things to look at
maybe before publishing)
(more notes to self - I could add calendar and distance between infections - spidee
sense says exactly every 2 weeks? Try confirming the pattern, might be a
scheuled task / cron job on a system... or could be one that wasn't
powered on for that time period. Need to check once it is identified....)
Anyway, the good news is now I have something I can look at on the local side!
The device wouldn't echo pings ... which made me suspect one of the
IoT devices, but to shorten an exciting (!) story about MAC address
lookup (this is an Intel device ... so ... that really narrows it down,
doesn't it?), tracing the MAC address though switches, finding what port
it is on, which ended up being a wireless access point, knowing exactly
which access point to localize it, then manually checking a few systems
... and yes, it was exciting, but to confess I get excited when hunting
down strange problems.
It was a client laptop computer that had some not urgent data I was
asked to extract.
It was running Microsoft Security Essentials which didn't come up
with anything on its own ... when asked to full scan the system, these
two popped out:

Was this the malware? I wasn't sure at the time - but I'm not happy that MS
Security Essentials (AKA: Windows Defender in its previous life)
wouldn't catch it when it was first downloaded. We have to wait
as the recurrence seems to happen about every 2 weeks or so. Box
was scanned with Trend & another product I don't remember,
nothing of interest was found.
(time passes)
Two weeks went by without an event. That system was eventually
virtualized into a new Windows 10 system's virtual machine and one day
maybe 6 months later when that VM was running my public IP address was
again listed.
Considering this VM was setup just to copy old data in the rare
instance that data is somehow not already on our network as this system
was shut down and the cost in time of digging into the dark corners of
all the millions of places evil people hide malware I didn't think it
was very cost effective to try to hunt this down and kill it. We kept it
isolated from network communications and the problem hasn't recurred
since those few times in 2017. I have written before about
hunting malware and the proof it is no longer cost effective to try and
clean given you can never be 100% sure you've found and killed all
the malware bits and his buddies he downloaded at the same time. Pull
your data, wipe, and re-install - or never log into your bank on that
system again.
Other ways this could have been found
This is by far not the only method for locating such problem
points. Another option would be capturing ALL data going in and
out of your network with wireshark. I've probably called out
Wireshark in 1/3 of the articles I write as I'm often called
into companies where strange things are happening and there is a
tendancy to 'Blame The Network' and Wireshark is often the tool
I use to discover what box is causing all the problems.
If you are curious, here and
here are samples of simple and complex
problems solved with Wireshark.
I've often used Wireshark with a round robin data file set
captured to a VERY BIG hard drive to capture all data in and out
of a network device to locate the source of some intermittent
problems that only happen when nobody is looking at them.
How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
At the risk of stating something blindly obvious, don't get
infected with malware. Easier said than done - especially if
this ends up being a web page's ad from an ad network giving you
a false positive.
You can certainly put in place even more technology to try to
detect / block these kinds of items but I've said it before "The
bad guys are getting better at being badder faster than the good
guys are getting better at being gooder". When it comes to tracing
down the source, your only real option is to implement some kind
of logging setup at the ingress / egress point of your network.
For most of us should be your firewall and / or router.
As you can see from the example I traced through above, the
firewall's long term stored syslog data allowed me to quickly zero in on
which IP & MAC address sent out that evil conficker registration. The MAC address
is extremely important in networks where DHCP is utilized as a system at
one address one day can be at a completely different IP address another
day. Without knowing the MAC address, you might spend / waste a whole
lot of time and resources looking at a pristine system.
Email bounce messages are frustrating and getting on block lists can
be a killer to a business that relies on email.
The key is to set this up BEFORE you need it. This kind of
forensic evidence is essential. If you need to do this because
you have an infection and this setup is beyond your
capabilities, I can probably do all this for you remotely. Check
the Contact Us link up top.
If you found this helpful or not, please send me a brief email -- one
line will more than do. Or more! I love hearing tidbits from users I've
helped. Maybe share a line of what you searched for or how you found
this article.
I can be reached at:
das (at-sign) dascomputerconsultants (dot) com
David Soussan
Copyright (C) 2017 - 2022 DAS Computer Consultants, LTD. All rights
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