The exact makeup of these server are HP Proliant
DL380 G6 servers - certainly older but very capable systems - but
what I'm measuring would just as equally apply if they were almost
any other flavor of HP DL385, ML380, ML360, DL360, Blade, Dell
Poweredge 2950, Dell 700, IBM Server, ... Individual systems will
have different numbers for what the performance improvement will be
but the order of magnitude will be similar.
Once everything was racked and running, I setup the
backup system and monitor it regularly to be certain things are backing
up. I've also written about backups and how important they are so I
won't get on that soapbox now.
News: More servers
will be here soon!
That was a message I received recently - there are two
more servers that will arrive in the next couple of months and they will
be housed in the same rack. I took a look at the backups and how long
everything was taking to see if there was bandwidth in the current setup
or will I have to setup something different to receive the backups for
the new servers. Here are a few samples and a bigger graph.

This is one server - his size is 30 GB, the backup
starts at 7 PM and ends at 2:05 AM the next morning. Total duration is 7
A second server is shown here:

This system also started backing up at 7:00 PM and
finished at 1:22 AM the next morning, so 6 hours and 22 minutes.
Seemed a little slow, but was good enough for the job at
hand so I didn't spend any time or money optimizing it.
I graph the traffic at all ports of the switch, here is
what the whole backup window looks like for all systems - 1 day on top,
1 week on the bottom:

From this you can see backups start at 6:00 PM and end just before
4:00 AM with a little gap around 1:30 AM-2:00 AM. You can also see from
the lower graph that day to day there are some variations but overall
the shape and times are pretty constant.
I really like these kinds of instant visual aids - with
one look you have a really good idea if things are working normally or
if something has turned brown.
That little green and blue spike at 11:30 in the upper
graph and just above 21 in the lower graph? That is me doing some
benchmark tests.
Before making a big change, it is usually a good idea to
take some quantitative measurements to see if you are going to have an
impact with a change you are about to make. So I did that-Crystal Disk
Mark has been a decent disk benchmark tool for years and I ran it from
one of the servers to the backup location. I also ran it to local
storage, another location on the same server, a location on a different
servers, etc. to get a feel for just what kind of impact the cache
memory will have if I were to install it in the backup server. Here are
two sets of numbers, the first without the write cache and the second
with the write cache:

The "read speed" numbers are boring. The "write speed"
numbers are astonishing.
118.3 / 16.4 = 7.2 times faster at sequential writing
with a queue depth of 32! 109.1 / 6.5 = 16.8 times faster at
sequential writing without a queue depth!
Benchmarks aside, how does this translate into
real-world improvement?
Remember those two backups? The ones that took about 6.5
and 7 hours respectively and started at the same time? Here they are
again with the write cache forced on without the battery - which
is not something I advocate for reasons I'll explain at the end:

Both finished in 10 minutes. In parallel.
7 hours is 420 minutes.
420 minutes / 10 minutes = 42 times faster... or more
accurately both run in 1/42 the time as they do without the cache.
And here is the network traffic graph:

... but something is very fishy about those graphs. The
red circled traffic I expected to see a whole lot higher than they were.
Feel free to click here to skip this next bit
if don't care about the path I took questioning and debugging these
results and just want the answer.
Relying on your
test equipment
In the old days when you were in electrical engineering
college one of the first times you got to touch real world EE test
equipment they walked you through discovering measurement errors. You
used a typical meter to read a very low resistance value and discovered
there was resistance in the wires that lead to your device under test
which threw your readings off. Or the meter itself had an internal
resistance that impacted the circuit.
I did some math on the 10 minutes of backup and how much
data transferred.
10 minutes * 60 seconds/minute * 60 Mbits/second * 1
Gbit/1000 Mbit * 1 GByte/8 Gbits = 4.5 GigaBytes.
If instead I pretend the scale is off and I'm really
calculating bytes per second, the number came out to 36 GigaBytes.
So is my scale on the graph off? I didn't think so - if
it was, the other graphs would have been way off as well.
So was the backup not actually happening but thinking it
was happening? Was that much data transferring or was the backup program
thinking it was transferring but throwing the bits into the bit bucket?
A raw copy of about 36 GB of data took 5 minutes and
looked like this:

In the red square the blue line is my file copy (36 GB
in 5 minutes). I needed to verify, so I next did a binary file compare
between the files I copied and the files at the destination system:

(picture is a thumbnail, click for a larger version)
You can see the original copy, started at 9:00 AM, the
time stamp when the files finished copying at 9:05, and then my binary
compare of the first file - file compared exactly. So the copy was
happening, but my graph must be wrong. The green blob is the network
traffic from the file compare which took a whole lot longer probably
because of the act of actually comparing the files VS. just moving the
My theory was the graph wasn't accurate. Exporting the
RRD and manually looking at the numbers, I concluded the number was
wrapping around - fixed by moving the value collected to a 64 bit
counter. My first 36GB file copy after making the change is shown on the
traffic graph:

The big blue traffic spike on the right is huge, plus
make note that all those other peaks were pushed waaaay down and the top
of this graph is almost at 1 Gb/s! Now I'm feeling good about the
traffic graph! If there was enough data in the 5 minute span, the
counter would wrap and my traffic number was no longer accurate. I don't
think it has been a problem up till now as the biggest data mover - the
backup - was slow enough it kept the 5 minute traffic under the wrapping
32 bit counter threshold.
Why aren't my traffic graphs passing a
smell test?
A lot of debugging later, it turns out I needed to use
64 bit counters for the port traffic as at gigabit speeds the traffic
could wrap around the 32 bit value.
The next morning with the correct 64 bit counter values
for 5 minute traffic samples my backups looked like this:

You can see 4 backups traffic bursts, 6 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM,
and 2 AM. You can also see the peak looks way more reasonable and due to
the scaling pushed all the other graphs to be shorter. There is a big
enough difference I might consider moving to a logrithmic scale instead
of a linear scale, but that will be another day.
Why are the backups
42x faster when the benchmark only showed 16x improvement?
Great question! I'm going to bet it is because the two
backups running at the same time were likely impacting each other as the
target disks had to flip back and forth between writing for backup #1
and #2 constantly. In the geeky world, we call that 'disk thrashing' as
the heads are spending so much time moving back and forth your abilty to
write data is severely impacted by the speed of head seeks (very slow!)
compared to writing sequential sectors. With the cache, some of backup
#1 could be cached up and written all at once and the same with backup
#2. With the heads moving around less both backups were able to complete
at a reasonable speed.
If there is any doubt if you need cache memory when
writing to hard drive arrays (or individual drives for that matter),
this should make the answer clear - yes. Just buy it. And if your
battery dies, you need to replace it. Your system will still run but the
write performace will be severely impacted.
A new battery for this HP server runs north of $140. I
did a retro-fit for < $50 including labor:

But those details will have to wait for a future
As for why you don't want to run a write cache without
battery backup - write cache tells the system the data has been written
to the hard drive right away even if the data is still sitting in the
cache memory. If something were to happen to kill the system like a
power loss or bus lock-up, the information the computer thought was on
the drives isn't there. It could be a very critial to the system
operation write like a major update to a directory sector. It could
render the system non-bootable and require very intricate data repairs
to bring back to life. With the memory backed up by a battery, this
gives you time to fix whatever caused the crash and upon starting the
drive controller will see the cache is dirty and empty it from all
unwritten sectors of data, 'flushing' the cache contents back onto the
What I did was OK for a very short term item on
something that wasn't critical for day to day operation.
Or, to put it another way, "Kids, don't try this at
Final Words...
If you found this helpful or not, please send me a brief email -- one
line will more than do. Or more!
I can be reached at:
das (at-sign) dascomputerconsultants (dot) com
David Soussan
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