I've been having seemingly random system slowdowns for
over a month now. This is on my main system, the one I do day to day
work on, so it is really quite important it perform well. Running
various monitoring utilities, I've discovered the following
* The mouse becomes barely responsive * Process explorer
shows 25% interrupt time - 100% of one single core on a quad core * One core is maxed at 100%.
It seems to happen randomly
a day or two, sometimes multiple times in a day, sometimes once a week. Not sure what or why, but I've been gathering clues in the background for what seems like
more than a month now.... My first thought was shortly after December's
patch Tuesday.
There were times I would see the problem,
know I was transferring a lot of data to another machine on my local
network, would stop the copy and watch my performance return to normal.
The NIC is a built-in motherboard on a DP43TF Intel Desktop board. I'd
recently updated the drivers for the board and my first rule is
always "If you make a change and see a problem, undo the change and see
if the problem goes away." Unfortunately, I hadn't documented the
previous version ... so various drivers were tried, many parameters
on the driver tweaked, and in every case the problem would recur
sometime in the next few days.
What I knew for certain: This wasn't a CPU issue even
though one core was maxed out. When batch processing lots of photos in
Canon's Digital Photo Professional, all 4 cores get railed and during
those times my mouse movement was fluid like it should have been. It
seemed interrupt related.
Recently (2/6/2015), while I was
transferring a lot of data to an off-site facility, I noticed this pattern and the slowdown:

This is a traffic graph - I'm transferring off my
network (blue line) and noticed the traffic gradually slowing down. It
is going over the WAN, and my local network speed blows Comcast out of
the water, so it isn't a "Too much bandwidth taken on the network"
issue. I'd been playing around with various parameters on my NIC,
specifically trying to get it to not be so interrupt heavy as I noticed
in Process Explorer my interrupt time was at 100% of one core of the
quad core CPU.
Not having any luck with the NIC's
drivers, I looked at the network bindings and found something I felt was
a real possibility -

Many moons ago I ran Virtual PC, and when I needed to
plug USB devices into the virtual machine and couldn't, I switched to
Oracle's Virtual Box and never looked back.... however, I neglected to
unbind the network driver - "Virtual PC Network Filter Driver" from the
data path. So a day before what inspired me to write this up, I unbound
the filter driver, saw my performance return to normal without a reboot,
and was cautiously optimistic.
That is until about 24 hours later
... when again my mouse motion became very
choppy, one CPU core railed at 100%, and ... the problem was back.
When I unbound the previous filter driver, the counters for how much
data had been transmitted reset themselves back to zero:

This shows the counters right now, long after I think I
killed the problem. But when I saw the slowdown, I did notice the
counters summed up to around 16 GB ...
This time I tried unbinding IPv6 from the NIC. My goal
was not to unbind IPv6 but to reset the counters and see if the problem
went away, and while the network
settings were redoing themselves a miracle happened.
system crashed! With the lovely Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)!
Right around 4 PM my time - which is where that nice blue line of net
traffic drops to nothing!
Which was
quite exciting, actually, as this is the first time the slowdown caused
a crash that left some evidence! As they say on various CSI shows, we
follow the evidence.
A crash-dump analysis on the
dump file pointed at npf.sys, which is the “WinPcap” packet driver
filter from Cace. Which is how Wireshark grabs its packets. If you've
read any of my other articles, probably 33% of them involve a network
packet sniff and I use Wireshark - A LOT! When something funky is
happening over a network, that tool either tells me exactly what is
wrong or points me in the direction to go looking for the root cause. This driver file
is dated 1/4/2015 … but the version is and has a copyright of
2005-2010 which is actually
quite old. Why the new date? Push that question on the stack and come
back to it. Searching for the driver+offset
address of the BSOD from the crash dump and it turns out that exact same
BSOD was hit by someone else, who posted in a MS forum and was told
that Netgear’s Genie software installs that driver.

I use Netgear's Genie because it lets
me print from the iPhone or iPad directly to the printer… so I’m
thinking I have an older version of the npf.sys from genie that
isn’t as current as wireshark wants it to be.
And sure enough, looking in my installed programs:

That was the date I installed Netgear's Genie! Source of
the old driver located.
So I figured if I update with a newer npf.sys driver I
might be OK - I had an older Wireshark on my system and needed to update
it anyway. With a new wireshark
and winpcap installed, now npf.sys is at version

and back to what I was doing to see if
this problem recurs or not. I've got a really good feeling though!
I woke the next morning to see this graph:

Saturday's 4 PM crash is in the middle at 20:00 and moving to the left
is the progress after Saturday's updating of the npf.sys driver.
It was just after 7 AM on Sunday and sure enough my mouse is making
jerky movements and is responding poorly. So installing a new npf.sys
driver did not fix the issue.
Look carefully,
both processes started slowing down their performance after 5 hours ...
Could be a coincidence ...Having correlated
the install of Netgear's Genie with the driver, hearing someone else say
that driver was their problem as well, updating the driver on my system and still
having the problem ... my next step was to kill Netgear's Genie. There
are three parts to it, shown here as snips from Process Explorer:

I killed both the NETGEARGenie.exe and
NETGEARGenieDaemon64.exe processes and watched my performance return to
normal ... without resetting anything on the network stack.
You will have to use your imagination to splice these
two graphs together... or maybe I'll do it in Photoshop. Not sure right

Right to left, my copy is running, at 20:00 is my blue screen crash, then
performance OK for 5-ish hours after the driver update, then starts to slow down around 2 AM...
7 AM I wake, kill NetGenie, and then good traffic all the way to 20:00
(8 PM). The drops you see around 11 AM and 12 PM are the process not
finding any data to transfer, not anything slowing down. That path
continues here:
Here is my latest graph, on the right is Sunday 10 AM
and the left is the process finishing up at 15:15 on Monday:

Solid good traffic the whole day long! And that main
system was in use the whole day from 5:00 AM until I stopped working
around 4:30 PM - no jerky mouse movements at all. Clean and pristine,
like it should have been.
And what changed? I'd killed Netgear's genie program.
This is the about box from the version I was running:
Netgear Genie

There is a newer version - did they fix this? Who knows
- I can't find any change log documentation on Genie, information on
what was fixed in different versions and what known issues there are...
so one has to experiment and find out.
I tried transferring a lot of data over the LAN and the
slowdown does not appear to be amount of traffic related, so I'm
guessing it is more a time based than traffic based problem.
More Evidence!
With the results above, I did an upgrade to the latest Genie

I was busy with other projects for a couple of days, patch Tuesday
came and rebooted my machine resetting the clock so it took a few days
to give me an answer ... and guess what? The mouse stuttering problem is back whenever
there is any minor network traffic ... and system becomes unresponsive
when I transfer a large amount of data. I captured some graphs before
and after killing Netgear Genie. These are thumbnail images - click to
see a full-screen version.

I'm copying a video across the network, Interrupts are pegged at 25%.
Netgear's genie isn't exactly hogging the CPU, but clearly whatever he
is doing is causing problems in the rest of the system. Here is a graph
showing the activity on each core along with a short history (it is a
gadget on the windows 7 sidebar you can find

While the CPU isn't pegged, one core is. That core must be handling
interrupts, because it took many minutes of patient mouse movement &
waiting for the screen mouse to catch up to capture these print screens.
So I killed both these processes: NETGEARGenieDaemon64.exe and
NETGEARGenie.exe. The first didn't let my system go, but killing the
second freeed it up. Now I repeated the same copy and here are the same
two print screens:

For the curiously observent, you can see the cmd.exe prompt that is
doing the copy now registers up on the CPU graph, as does his I/O Delta
- so he is now copying the data much faster than he did while Genie was
sucking the life out of the system. In fact, the copy happend so fast
the copy finished before gadget CPU graph plotted a full width!
Compare the green graph that is here up around 70% VS. the green that
was pegged at 100% when netgear genie was running.
For now, I've stuffed the Netgear Genie back into its bottle. It is
now uninstalled from my system, and I'm removing it from any client
systems. Netgear didn't fix it with the new version. I can't even find a
support BBS to post these results to.
But by far the biggest indicator that we are all hitting the exact
same bug is this: npf+2b81 - this is the address offset into the npf
driver. If we are all crashing in the same driver's code at the same
location, then we are all experiencing the exact same bug.
Final Words...
I can be reached at:
das (at-sign) dascomputerconsultants (dot) com
Good luck! I hope this helped you! If it did, drop me a short email - I
love solving problems!
David Soussan
(C) 2014 DAS Computer Consultants, LTD. All Rights Reserved.
There is nothing really useful here - mostly stuff for any wandering
search engines to find the content.
Here is a full copy of the crashdump analysis as done by windbg.exe:
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version
6.12.0002.633 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights
Loading Dump File
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack
trace are available
Symbol search path is: symsrv*symsrv.dll*c:\symbols*
Executable search path is:
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP
(4 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer
Built by:
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`03c63000
PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`03ea6890
Debug session time: Sat Feb 7 20:03:14.197
2015 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 1 days 7:14:07.941
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
Bugcheck Analysis
Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging
BugCheck A, {fffffa802de07178, 2, 1,
Unable to load image npf.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols
could not be loaded for npf.sys
Probably caused by : npf.sys ( npf+2b81 )
Followup: MachineOwner
3: kd> !analyze -v
Bugcheck Analysis
An attempt was made to access a pageable (or
completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high.
This is usually
caused by drivers using improper addresses.
If a kernel debugger is available get the stack
Arg1: fffffa802de07178, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000001, bitfield :
bit 0 : value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
bit 3 : value 0 = not an execute operation, 1 = execute operation (only
on chips which support this level of status)
Arg4: fffff80003ce2fe5, address which referenced
Debugging Details:
WRITE_ADDRESS: GetPointerFromAddress: unable to
read from fffff80003f10100
fffff800`03ce2fe5 f0480fba2900
lock bts qword ptr [rcx],0
PROCESS_NAME: dllhost.exe
TRAP_FRAME: fffff8800edf1e80 -- (.trap
NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all
Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=0000000000000002 rbx=0000000000000000
rdx=00000000000007ff rsi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff80003ce2fe5 rsp=fffff8800edf2010
r8=fffffa80215c33b8 r9=0000000000000000
r11=00000000002f4e00 r12=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
fffff800`03ce2fe5 f0480fba2900
lock bts qword ptr [rcx],0 ds:2070:fffffa80`2de07178=????????????????
Resetting default scope
fffff80003cd9429 to fffff80003cd9e80
fffff880`0edf1d38 fffff800`03cd9429 :
00000000`0000000a fffffa80`2de07178 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000001
: nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff880`0edf1d40 fffff800`03cd80a0 :
fffff880`014e7100 fffff880`014eacb0 fffff880`014ead20 00000000`00000000
: nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
fffff880`0edf1e80 fffff800`03ce2fe5 :
00000000`00000000 fffff880`014905b2 00000000`c0000000 fffffa80`00000000
: nt!KiPageFault+0x260
fffff880`0edf2010 fffff880`05ca6b81 :
00000000`00000001 fffffa80`08a261c0 fffffa80`0939d010 fffffa80`2de04000
: nt!KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToDpc+0x55
fffff880`0edf2060 00000000`00000001 :
fffffa80`08a261c0 fffffa80`0939d010 fffffa80`2de04000 00000000`00060000
: npf+0x2b81
fffff880`0edf2068 fffffa80`08a261c0 :
fffffa80`0939d010 fffffa80`2de04000 00000000`00060000 fffff880`0edf2088
: 0x1
fffff880`0edf2070 fffffa80`0939d010 :
fffffa80`2de04000 00000000`00060000 fffff880`0edf2088 fffff880`0edf2088
: 0xfffffa80`08a261c0
fffff880`0edf2078 fffffa80`2de04000 :
00000000`00060000 fffff880`0edf2088 fffff880`0edf2088 00000000`00000000
: 0xfffffa80`0939d010
fffff880`0edf2080 00000000`00060000 :
fffff880`0edf2088 fffff880`0edf2088 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0939d010
: 0xfffffa80`2de04000
fffff880`0edf2088 fffff880`0edf2088 :
fffff880`0edf2088 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0939d010 fffff880`0152b38b
: 0x60000
fffff880`0edf2090 fffff880`0edf2088 :
00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0939d010 fffff880`0152b38b fffffa80`0a5932d0
: 0xfffff880`0edf2088
fffff880`0edf2098 00000000`00000000 :
fffffa80`0939d010 fffff880`0152b38b fffffa80`0a5932d0 fffffa80`0a5932d0
: 0xfffff880`0edf2088
fffff880`05ca6b81 ??
SYMBOL_NAME: npf+2b81
IMAGE_NAME: npf.sys
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0xA_npf+2b81
BUCKET_ID: X64_0xA_npf+2b81
Followup: MachineOwner
3: kd> lmvm npf
module name
fffff880`05ca4000 fffff880`05cb0000
npf T (no symbols)
Loaded symbol image file: npf.sys
Image path: npf.sys
Image name: npf.sys
Fri Jun 25 12:50:58 2010 (4C24DE72)
0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4