Wizards are
all broken On my main system, a Windows 7 64 bit
with Microsoft Office 2010, I get the following error message when I run
many of the wizards in Microsoft Access:
"The wizard you've requested is not installed or is in a bad state.
Please install or reinstall the wizard. If you do not have permission to
do this on your computer, please contact your help desk representative."
I get this when attempting to run any of the following Microsoft
Access 2010 wizards:
Database Documenter Analyze Table Analyze Performance SQL
Server Move Data Wizard Access Database Move Data Wizard Add-ins
add in manager Switchboard Manager
Here is the exact error message dialogue (all images are thumbnails,
click to see the full size image):

Lots of
reasonsDoing the requisite web searching, there are a
lot of reasons this can happen and all kinds of suggestions, some of
which worked in the past for some users.
You can find people deleting directories and running Access again,
tweaking permissions and adding directories to the trust center, running
repair installs, and all kinds of things. You are certainly welcome to
check those, but ...
If you have Microsoft Updates turned on and pushed right away by
default, then your system was broken by default when an update that had
a defect was pushed to your system. That update is "Update for Microsoft
Office 2010 (KB3085515) 32-Bit Edition" which was released on 3/9/2016
and broke all the wizards listed above.

As you can see, this system automatically installed the update from
3/9/2016 and was immediately broken.
The uninstall can be seen here:

If you go to the KB article now, it says "This update is no longer
available from Microsoft Update or the Microsoft Download Center."
The article with instructions on how to remove it are here:
Too bad Microsoft Update has no auto-remove-update feature. Until the
search engines find content like this, users and administrators will be
flailing about with other solutions that don't work.
One more note - apparently I have the update installed twice, once
for Microsoft Visio Professional 2010 and one for Microsoft Office 2010
Professional. So far I only uninstalled it from the Microsoft Office
2010 Professional. (If it was a security vulnerability, do I want to
open myself up?) I might change that stance when I go into Visio
next if I see an error message there. Microsoft didn't say anything
about visio being broken that I could find, so ... this might be updated
very soon. If you send me an email, I'll let you know if anything
If you found this helpful (or not),
please send me a brief email -- one line will more than do. If I see people
need, want, and / or use this kind of information that will encourage me to keep
creating this kind of content. Whereas if I never hear from anyone, then why
I can be reached at:
das (at-sign) dascomputerconsultants (dot) com
David Soussan
(C) 2016 DAS Computer Consultants,
LTD. All Rights Reserved.