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So I decided to have some fun. Geeky fun. Yes, I have a very strange sense of fun. Where is this site? The first thing is to decode the funny numbered URL into the actual IP address. As you may recall, the link was "http://3644083541:82/"

3644083541 convered to Hex which you can do with the Windows Calculator in Scientific mode is D9344D55. Taking that byte by byte and converting back to decimal gives us the actual IP address of Mr. Bad Guy's site:

D9 = 217

34 = 52

4D = 77

55 = 85


So his site is at, port 82. Port 80 is the standard for HTTP, and he is running on another port. Going to the address and the rest of his URL verifies we do have is actual IP address. I poked around and found a page he was working on for an as-yet-undetermined reason at:

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